How to Strengthen Tooth Enamel?

Disclaimer: Not medical or professional advice. Always seek the advice of your physician.

How to Strengthen Tooth Enamel?

Enamel is the most substantial tissue in the human body. It protects teeth from chemical and mechanical impacts. Its damage may cause caries and further tooth decay. This article will talk about what may cause enamel damage and what precautions may help restore it.

Why is Tooth Enamel Damaged?

There are many reasons. The most common one is the lack of hygiene. Accumulation of dental plaque is a perfect environment for developing numerous bacteria, which feed on carbohydrates from our body and release lactic acid. This acid sucks in minerals from the dental enamel, making it softer and more susceptible. When enamel is entirely destroyed, a gap is formed within it called a carious cavity. Enamel can restore itself, consuming minerals from saliva. But if there is not enough saliva formed, there is not enough resource for its strengthening. Therefore, dry mouth is one of the factors related to teeth decay.

Other reasons for enamel destruction.

  • bruxism (teeth grinding)
  • long-term use of hard toothbrushes and whitening toothpaste
  • overconsumption of sour foods
  • frequent vomiting (it contains acids)
  • heartburn

How to Know if Tooth Enamel is Damaged?

How to Know if Tooth Enamel is Damaged?

The main sign is increased teeth sensitivity. This is especially well noticed while consuming sweet, cold, and sour products. Moreover, enamel destruction causes unevenness in the tooth surface. When looking closely, it is possible to see tiny cavities and scratches.

How to Strengthen Enamel?

It all depends on the level of enamel destruction, but it is all up to the dentist after a check-up.

  • If there are profound enamel defects, they are restored by the filling materials.
  • If the defects are insignificant, a doctor will perform remineralizing therapy. Teeth will be covered with particular medicines (polishes, gels, gel mousses), which contain fluorides and amorphous calcium phosphate. They are rich in minerals, reduce teeth sensitivity, make them shiny and straight. In addition to this, a doctor has prescribed a course of vitamins and recommended improving the diet.

Teeth Healthy Foods List

The background of all bone tissue and, subsequently, of teeth is calcium. It is worth remembering that the body constantly required this element. Therefore, to improve enamel, you should take vitamins A and D together with calcium. Vitamin A is excellent, but other vitamins like C, E, K, phosphorus, and vitamins of the B-group.
Therefore, the following products can be included in the list of those most healthy for tooth enamel.

  • Dairy products – butter, cheese, natural yogurt are natural calcium sources.
  • Chicken eggs. They are full of vitamin D, which is helping to absorb calcium.
  • Seafood. Sea fish, muscles, and prawns. All of them are full of phosphorus
  • Hard fruit and vegetables. – carrots, celery, cucumbers, apples. Intensive chewing of fruit and vegetables induces the production of saliva and, therefore, mechanical tooth cleaning.
  • Greens – onions, parsley, dill. Healing juice made of greens has perfect antibacterial features.
  • Black and green tea. These drinks contain fluorides, which have a bactericidal effect.

What Else Can be Done to Protect Tooth Enamel?

  • Strictly keep the hygiene. Use dental floss, irrigators, interdental brushes. Keep your dentist’s recommendation while choosing toothpaste.
  • Balance the pH in your body. The increased acidity causes calcium deficit.  Avoid products rich in acids and sugar.
  • Avoid frequent snacks. Do not exaggerate with sweets and pastries.
  • Chew gum without sugar for 30 minutes after the meal. It stimulates salivary production and helps to clean the teeth.
  • Do not brush your teeth straight after the meal. Wait for at least 30 minutes.
  • Do not mix hot and cold foods. Temperature changes may cause the appearance of scratches on the enamel.
  • Drink more clean water during the day, as it is essential for normal salivary production. Ferments in saliva protect your teeth from bacteria.

Would you like to rate the health of your teeth and choose the correct products for caring about your mouth? Doctors in the Dental World clinic will be happy to answer your questions. 

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