Removable Partials and Dentures

Removable Partials and Dentures

Compared to implants or dental bridges, partial dentures (so-called “partials”) are a budget-friendly way of filling in the missing gaps in your smile. Partials restore functions of the missing teeth required to eat and talk normally. Additionally, they prevent the remaining teeth from tilting or drifting into empty space.

A removable partial denture consists of a gum-colored plastic base holding a set of replacement teeth, which is clipped onto natural teeth via clasps or more esthetic-looking precision attachments. It is fabricated from the impression of your mouth taken by the Dental World of Marietta dentist. As the name suggests, partials can be taken out and put back in place whenever necessary.

Valplast Partial Dentures

Tired of covering mouth to hide gaps between teeth? Uncomfortable partial dentures with visible silver hooks and clasps are not an option?

At our Marietta office, you can get Valplast partials made out of thin, biocompatible nylon thermoplastic material. They don’t contain any metal, are flexible and durable compared to the traditional metal or acrylic alternatives. Besides, Valplast partials have invisible clasps that give your smile an incredibly esthetic look.

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